How many marital arguments begin in the bathroom? (So I have heard anyway… J) Clothing left on the floor instead of in the dirty hamper, the classic toilet seat left up, and what about the stench left behind from a good healthy bowel movement? I have never been a fan of the bathroom sprays due to the unnatural scent that has always felt like an overpowering, ominous cloud, threatening to choke me. Furthermore, it is like giving chemicals a free ride via inhalation right into your body not to mention absorbing the floaters through your skin. So it only seemed appropriate when our favorite God inspired bible based relationship counselor friend showed up with a new bit of advice…poop spray!
He asked if I had heard of it as he handed me a list of essential oils he wanted to purchase for his own DIY Poop pouri project. I hadn’t.
I looked it up and sure enough I must have had my head in the sand the last six months. (Have I been packing to move or something in between nursing a baby and homeschooling?) We were excited to try it ourselves and I must say in our family it has been a success!
This blend of essential oils, castile soap or vegetable gylcerin, and water is meant to be sprayed into your toilet BEFORE you eliminate your bowels. It creates a film on the surface of the water in the toilet bowl, trapping odors before they can even escape and cause a problem. And guess what? You are also inhaling therapeutic essential oils that only enhance your being on every level rather than harm it. (I love things with more than one purpose!) Citrus oils are uplifting and immune boosting, cedarwood, rosemary, and lemon are especially known to help sharpen the thinking, and lavender we all know is wonderful for relaxation. It is like getting a counseling session or a visit from the cheerleading squad before you exit.
It may not solve your deep seated heart issues but this spray might avoid some stinky surface issues. Then again, if your bathroom is a place of quiet refuge as it can be in our busy home, maybe you will have a moment to unlock some deep revelation and walk out a little lighter…heart and bowel. So prepare yourself, give a spritz, and unload.
DIY Unload
2oz spray bottle
½ tsp vegetable glycerin or ¼ tsp castile soap (helps the oils and water emulsify)
20-25 drops of essential oil total (see suggestions below)
1 tsp vodka (optional but will help the oils and water emulsify even more)
Food coloring (also optional, Whole Foods sells natural food coloring)
In a small mason jar or glass cup mix the glycerin or castile soap with the essential oils. Add vodka if using. Add 2-5 drops of optional food coloring. (Some folks like color to see the “full coverage” that they are getting on the surface of the toilet bowl water.) Pour into the spray bottle using a small funnel. Fill the remainder of the spray bottle with water. Shake well before each use. Spray 5-6 times into the toilet water BEFORE pooing. Each 2oz spray bottle contains approximately 75+ uses.
Suggested essential oil combinations include:
($ is for 15ml of oils already blended-single oils available too)
Lavender, Basil, Cypress $25
Cedarwood, Rosemary, Orange $20
Lemongrass and Grapefruit $15
There is approximately 300 drops per 15ml bottle.
OR we would be happy to make it for you!
2 oz Spray bottle in any scent combo above: $10