Antibiotic ointments were a go to when I was a child for scratches and scrapes. Now you can replace your over the counter ointments with immune boosting, germ fighting herbs and essential oils or take this basic salve to multiple heights to address endless needs by altering your essential oil choices. Here is our DIY for a basic ointment/salve recipe.
DIY First Aid Ointment
1 oz grated beeswax (1-2 T)
1 cup olive oil, coconut oil or comfrey infused olive oil
20-30 drops of essential oil (Basic First Aid blend, lavender, tea tree)
¼ tsp of vit E (opt)
On low heat or using a double boiler melt the olive or coconut oil and beeswax.
Remove from heat. Cool slightly. Add essential oils and vitamin E. Stir well and immediately pour into desired glass container. We use 4 oz mason jars. Cool completely at room temp. Best if stored in cool dry place. Use as needed on wounds or based on what you have catered the salve to address.
Lavender- analgesic, antibiotic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal. Besides being useful for cuts, scrapes, and small burns, this may be used as a diaper rash cream.
Tea Tree- antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial. Small cuts, scrapes, and wounds.
Basic First Aid -a gentle alternatialternative to over the counter antibacterial ointments.
Bacteria B Gone -Top antibacterial oils. We use 10-15 drops instead of 20-30. May need further dilution as these are “hot” oils.
Bye Bye Bugs- For a bug repel salve that deters critters and soothes bites that occur before you remember to apply it (always happens to me. J)
Our local TN beeswax is $.75/oz, $6/half pound, $10/pound
Would you like hands on instruction to make this? Schedule our Natural Alternatives to Your First Aid Kit home workshop to learn to make this or another alternative of your choice! Email us at lchaimessentialoils@gmail.com
Would you like to step up your first aid kit a notch to be prepared for deeper cuts and other small emergencies? People’s Paste is a propriety blend of powdered herbs that heals deep cuts from the bottom up. It boasts of the need to avoid stitches in many cases while disinfecting the wound and minimizing scar tissue. There are many more uses to this blend (internal and external) and you can find out more by emailing Todd! This is one herbal remedy you don’t to be without! Order People’s Paste from vincentfamilyfarm@gmail.com or email Todd through the fermentedfarmer.com. Put People’s Paste in the subject line.