Naan bread isn't just for Indian food anymore (although it is one of my favorite food types!) Finding healthy GF bread is not easy and when we do it's expensive. This versatile staple replaces bread in our house and goes well with soups, salads, smoothies and even mini pizzas or thick grilled cheese sandwhiches. We pan fry it in butter on our cast iron skillet. (Coconut oil works well too.) Omit the baking powder during Passover and you have a quick bread that you can use all week long!
3 cups brown rice flour 1 cup arrowroot flour/powder 1 cup tapioca flour (You can substitute all three of these flours for Bob's Red Mill All Purpose GF Baking Mix, the blue label or the red.) 1/2 cup freshly ground flax 3 tsp sea salt 1/2 tsp baking powder (omit if you are using the Bob's mix) 1 cup hot water 2 T honey, sorghum or sucanut 3/4 cup buttermilk, keifer, yogurt or milk with 1 tsp of ACV 3/4 cup melted coconut oil 2 large eggs Mix all ingredients. It should be thick enough to pat out into flat discs but not so thick that you can't get them thin (which is our favorite way to eat them!) We use just enough flour on a board to keep them from sticking and that is all. Make a round ball then flatten into a round disc. Fry in coconut oil or butter, a few minutes on each side or until cooked throughly. Enjoy. These reheat well!