1 medium sized cabbage
2 lg Fuji or gala apples
2 lg zested and juiced oranges
4 peeled and grated turmeric
4 large cloves minced garlic
1 inch by 2 inch approx knob of peeled and grated ginger
Fresh black pepper to taste (it doesn’t take much to help magnify the properties of the turmeric)
Sea salt
Whey (optional)
Shred the cabbage and apples with a food processor or cut in very fine pieces by hand. Add the black pepper, the remaining grated and minced ingredients, and mix them well. Add 1 1/2 T of sea salt or pink salt. It should not taste super salty but it should be salty! The salt inhibits bad bacteria from growing and encourages the healthy probiotics and good bacteria to do their thing! Mix well and let this mixture sit approximately 15-20 minutes. The salt will pull the juices out of the cabbage. Fill quart jars half way, add 1 T of whey (if using) and then fill the rest of the jar, leaving one inch of space from the job. Use a tamper or wooden spoon to gently push the veggies down (and air pockets out). The juice/brine should be able to come up over the veggie mixture. If it does not, make a brine (recipe following) and add some to the jar until it does. Remember to leave an inch of space at the top! Let sit at room temperature for 3 days-2 weeks. Move to your refrigerator and eat as desired. It should last about 6-9 months (if you don't eat it all first!)
Brine: Dissolve 1 T to 4 cups of quality water (no city water!)
Closing notes: Veggies are ready when they begin to taste tart. This is a LIVE food and you should see bubbling and activity. The veggies may even try to come out of the jar when you open it!! This is normal and desirable! If a white film or spots form on the top, don't worry. It is not harmful. Scoop the veggies and white film/spots off and discard them. Be sure the remaining veggies are beneath the brine.
Salt only vs whey fermenting thoughts:
Life hack: Save your ginger and turmeric peelings, garlic peelings and cabbage ends and add them to your crock pot the next time you make bone broth/stock. Freeze them in bags if you are not going to use them immediately for the future stock pot! You just accomplished two things at once! A fermented food and flavoring for your next nutritious batch of broth!