Essential oils are very small molecules that support the body in several ways. While many oils have overlapping uses (just as you have overlapping issues), and have each of the following properties on some level, they are usually bent towards being best for one or two particular applications over others. These three molecular structures are known as phenols, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes.
Some essential oils high in phenols are clove, basil, cinnamon, oregano, anise, and peppermint. Phenols and phenolpropanoids are responsible for cleaning the receptor sites of cells. Without this, cells can not communicate and the body malfunctions. A group of oils with monoterpenes include peppermint, frankincense, spruce, pine, and cypress. Essential oils high in monoterpenes can reprogram cell memory. With bad coding, cells malfunction, reproduce more bad cells and disease results. Examples of oils high in sesquiterpenes are cedarwood, vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli, myrrh, and ginger. These oils deliver oxygen to cells. They may also erase or deprogram cell codes. (Stewart)
These functions help cells become more effective at doing the job they are created to do. They
work with the body’s natural ability to defend and restore itself, and ultimately strengthening it
for the future as well. This is different than the way most modern medicine works when it masks or blocks cells from
responding in order to get undesirable symptoms to cease. Not only does this hinder the body’s present ability to heal, it also may confuse cells (and certainly doesn’t clean, prepare and strengthen them) for future illnesses.
The aromatic value of essential oils is also not to be underestimated. Four out of your five senses are hardwired from the intellect part of your brain to the emotional part of your brain. But the sense of smell is hardwired opposite of this. There has been a lot of research conducted on the connection between stress and disease. Stress is not always the culprit. Issues such as toxicity also play a big part. However, many times illness is a result of long term stress/trauma and manifests itself by affecting various organs and parts of the body. Oils work topically but aromatically they also go directly to the emotional part of the brain, working like a librarian using a library card catalogue (or a google search for a more modern correlation) to recall the trauma according to David Stewart, PhD. This unlocking allows us to deal with the emotional end of it and ultimately have a greater ability to heal. Essential oils work WITH and enhance other therapies and approaches you use. In my opinion and experience, it completes the circuit and connects the dots to pull it altogether.