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Is Your Toxic Need

Writer's picture: Sears FamilySears Family

Maybe the separation from someone in your life was more about breaking off your toxic need of them then their toxicity to you. I know how they treated you and I know it was toxic... but own your part, receive grace for it and forgive them for theirs.The courage to learn to know yourself, like yourself and be yourself is powerful. It will make what they say have less power because you will know who you are. (Just because you did or didn't do something out of ignorance, accident or bad choices doesn't mean it is who you are. Separate out events from identity. ) It will make facing your failures possible on the path of grace.This comes in the light of knowing who He says you are and who He is to you. Healthy versions of you and healthy versions of someone else make healthier relationships. Only God can fill your foundational needs and get into those broken spaces that need healing. You must start here. #marriage #accidentalcasualtysurvivor #betrayal #lchaimoils #lchaimmommy #kayakingwithmykids #kayaking #buffaloriverTN #crazyhorse #explorethecave #seethelight #light #doublelight #21


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