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Writer's pictureSears Family

It is not Fair

My son was put into a position the other day that a child shouldn’t have to be put into. 

“ It’s not fair,” he voiced with emphasis.

 I simply validated that with three words. 

“No, it’s not.”

Then added quietly.

“I’m sorry.”

And after a time punctuated it with

“What are your choices in this?”

Cuz we always have a choice in what we will believe and how we will respond.

It got me really thinking.

There’s nothing fair about divorce, betrayal, rejection, loss, grief whether it’s unexpected death, job loss, adultery…. The list is endless. 

There is not much fair in life beyond toddlerhood and dividing cookies or candy with a sibling. Just saying. (Do you remember those days?)

Yet the Father in all His establishment of fair and right and His perfect design just knew there would be little fairness stemming from giving humans free will.

So it is true.

It’s not fair.

It’s not even supposed to be this way.

Yet there’s a bigger truth at play.  

YHWH promises to set all things right within what isn’t. 

This is also true.

There are just too many mistakes I have made I need grace for. There are so many situations that haven''t unfolded ideally. There are too many ways I have been wronged by people and their choices. 

So I find comfort in knowing that someOne bigger than I has this all worked out, can work all things out. 

He promises to make all things work together for those that love Him. What is loving Him? Abiding, resting, being with Him and in His presence. He craves relationship with each of us-with you. His heart is towards you and He longs for your heart to be fully towards Him. From this place comes your yes and a thousand more yesses. From this space, comes the promise of all things made right in His time. His purposes won’t be thwarted by your imperfections or the choices others made that affect you.

His promises, His plan, His Word won’t be-can’t be-usurped by what’s not supposed to be- by what is not fair. He guards His promises and will do all He says in His perfect timing.

I don’t say this lightly. I don’t say it religiously. I say it from a heart that’s been broken and that’s bled, still bleeds, a life that has no plan B but my yes to Him-to refuse to be a victim, to heal and to hold YHWH to His promises that I have a future and a hope, that He does exceedingly abundantly more that I can think or ask. And for my son (for all my children), as their covering, I’m learning to trust YHWH that is His Word for them as well.

As it is for you.


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