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Writer's pictureSears Family

The Father's Heart

Updated: Aug 12

We were soaking in some worship with a very anointed elder in our circle of believers, dedicated first to His love of Yeshua and secondly to imparting that to the next generation. He handed the microphone to one of the young girls so that everyone could learn the new song only she was familiar with.

The next day she sidled up to me and we were chatting, a group of my children and her. I told her she’d done a fabulous job. She replied, “I was so nervous but I just kept my eyes on my dad.”

There’s a lesson in this. The whole point of worship is to keep our eyes on our Heavenly Father. It is all about Him, all for Him. In personal daily worship, in leading corporate worship. And she could only move forward because her eyes were on her father... we ideally learn one and then learn the One. What a radical responsibility to shoulder that-for an earthly father to hold the heart in such a way- and then teach transfer of that vertically to the Father’s perfect heart for that child. It’s not a call to perfect parenting but credible parenting.

Spoiler alert: There’s hope for the orphaned heart…

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