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The Right Questions to Ask

The wandering of the Israelites in Exodus was meant to teach them to walk in a relationship with YHWH. They'd lived 400 years in slavery and utter oppression, having their value belittled and having a false identity spoken into their lives daily.

Learning to trust God for who He is and learn who they really were to Him in the wilderness was for a purpose. He wasn't expecting them to instantly walk as free people-He wanted this opportunity to teach them.

He doesn't expect you to instantly know. He WANTS to teach you that He is safe, He is faithful and He is trustworthy. He wants to teach you what a true intimate relationship with Him looks like and Him alone. A wilderness experience removes your comfort measures (even if you were a slave in bondage) and it requires you to press in, to hear, to rely on Him in ways you never have.

This deeper relationship is to help you steward the promise He's given you. The wilderness develops character, tests your tenacity but also gives you a new level of intimacy with Him. This is necessary in order to flush the enemy's lies out of yiur own life and to learn to trust Him to face the giants that guard your path to all He's promised (the promised land.) You will be equipped to eliminate the enemy fully from your territory and to lend a hand to those that are in your circle. This will usher in the promise. This will usher in the season of peace that comes with the promise.

When you feel a bit lost on the path God has ordered, press inward. Take your fears to Him but resist repeating the lies attached to them the enemy wants you to believe. Choose truth based on His Word, on His character and His promises. Ask Him, what do You want to show me about who You are in this? What do You want to show me about who You are in this?

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