Some paths are not your choice. Some paths are. How you walk either is. When you choose an essential oil for emotional support you are making choices.
1. You are validating how you feel.
2 You are acknowledging your need to move through something and giving yourself permission to do so. You are making a choice over something you do have control over.
3. You are choosing to process that feeling. (Use them before journaling and your prayer time.)
4. You are supporting your body physically (bc emotions affect us physically) which may help you move through the emotions with more clarity and more stability.
5. Even if you wear that essential oil through the day, it doesn't mean you will be raw all day if you put it on when you felt raw. You can open and close the ability to process what you want or take a break as needed more easily.
We use essential oils in correlation with nutrition that support adrenal and thyroid function. These organs take a beating when you have experienced prolong stress or trauma. If they are taxed they can contribute to feelings of anxiety, the inability to cope and your mood.
Use them:
*On diffuser jewelry
*As perfume (diluted)
*In a diffuser
*In an Epsom salt bath
*In a bath bomb
*In beard oil
*In massage oil
*In a diffuser pen
Is every essential oil for emotional support linked to trauma? Absolutely not. I often find myself using some oils in the in between moments to just feel stronger. They compliments my good days and my better days as much as my difficult days.

You were created to walk free. Being supported in that process takes many forms and essential oils are just one incredibly powerful tool that God has given us to do so. Hurdles should become part of your story and are not meant to define who you are. In turn at some point, your newfound life and hope is meant to encourage someone else to stick to the path towards life and to hold onto hope.
Not pictured: Peace & Tranquility, Forgiveness, Days of Purification: Acceptance, Days of Purification: Six Spices, Days of Purification: Frankincense & Myrrh, Thyroid Support