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What You Know in Your Head Must Match Your Heart


There is an opportunity for healing and break through in every difficult circumstance. I turned 43 this year and I can pin point several absolutely devastating seasons in my life that felt like I would not survive. But moving through produced healing I didn't even know I needed. I know intimately the faithfulness of God enough that in the moment of doubt i can choose to recall the past in how He has carried me through. Ive made it to the other side of each of them.

Did you know that one season builds on the next making you stronger in order to make you more free? I've prayed 21 years for some things to be broken off and healed in me, in Adam. I could see them then but I could not handle moving through them then. I would have been devastated instead of just crushed. He knows. You may long for the break through but you may be building strength in the waiting... in the contending for. It takes desperation and humility to be ready to accept the grace. It takes tenaciously pressing in to get the "suddenly ".

Ever wonder why you are facing something difficult? You are at a cross roads to choose to rewrite the internal hurt. You can trust God in your head but be at war in your heart. Your head knowledge and your heart belief must match up in order to walk in wholeness. I know it is scary. I know it doesn't feel safe. But the safety is in the letting go... and letting God.

If I hadn't heard an audible "Trust Me" and meditated on, pressed in for a dozen or more rhemas I would not be standing. If I didn't have Godly reproof, timely encouragement and the grace to learn more humility than I thought possible, I would be utterly in despair, self pity and hopelessness constantly. (Which I admit I can wrestle with.)

What is your rhema? You can only move through YOUR healing. You can't heal for someone else or be enough for their healing process. Doing life with someone isn't the same as trying to do life for them.



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